Ayshen Koyu

Ayshen Koyu

Product Manager

Product Group

Balancing the big picture and detail in IP

I manage Beyond IP, working with clients across the country to help them understand how this programme could benefit their business. My skills lie in relationship and operations management underpinned by Agile methodologies. I navigate a fine balance between the big picture and the detail in order to achieve results at pace.

I have a strong sense of purpose and enjoy being part of what Callaghan Innovation stands for in the New Zealand innovation ecosystem. Knowing that my work contributes to a larger mission and cause is a strong motivator.

Through my career, I have learned from various leaders and gained knowledge that was necessary for my journey at different stages. This has brought me a great deal of pride and success while delivering impactful work that positively affects our customers.

  • Master of Commerce in Business. Macquarie University, Sydney, 2008
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