Collaborate with our experts in digital signal processing to develop innovative wireless, sonar & audio solutions. We can assist you in enhancing signal quality and precision within your systems, eliminating signal interference, and extending the range or accuracy of wireless communication.

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Guzin Kurnaz
Guzin Kurnaz Wireless Research and Development Engineer, FPGA Designer Drone data transfer in real time

Guzin works in the field of signal processing which includes analysing, modifying and synthesising signals such as sound, images and scientific measurements. She's an expert in field-programmable gate arrays (FPGA). These integrated circuits enable configuration after manufacturing and so are adaptable as projects evolve.

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Guzin Kurnaz Wireless Research and Development Engineer, FPGA Designer
Ranjan Acharyya
Ranjan Acharyya Senior Research Scientist Digital signal processing expert

I work as a Senior Research Scientist in the Applied Technologies Communications Team. My primary goal is to contribute to the economy of New Zealand by continuously learning and exploring new avenues of knowledge.

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Ranjan Acharyya Senior Research Scientist
Sudhir Singh v2
Sudhir Singh Distinguished Research Engineer Wireless signal processing research

I am a wireless communication systems engineer working in the Applied Technologies Group specialising in wireless, audio and sonar signal processing. My work in wireless signal processing has led to the development of a number of world-leading products.

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Sudhir Singh Distinguished Research Engineer
Andrew Heald
Andrew Heald Senior Development Engineer Specialist electronics design and development

I am a Senior Development Engineer working in the Applied Technologies group. My expertise is in electronics design and development, covering areas such as analogue, digital, switch-mode power, and microcontrollers. I am proficient in design fault analysis, utilising my skills to ensure robust and reliable engineering solutions.

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Andrew Heald Senior Development Engineer
Graeme Woollett
Graeme Woollett Senior Research Engineer Embedded systems designer

I am a senior research engineer in the Applied Technologies group where I contribute a wide range of skills in hardware and software development.

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Graeme Woollett Senior Research Engineer
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