Fiona Hill

Fiona Hill

Customer Navigator


Devoted advocate to building prosperity in our community

I am a dedicated RBP Navigator in the Regional Business Partner team based in Development West Coast. With a proven track record as a successful business owner and a strong background in customer service and administration, I love this role where I can leverage my knowledge, experience, and achievements to support and facilitate the growth of local businesses.

As an advocate at heart, I am passionate about uplifting and supporting businesses to create a ripple effect that contributes to the overall prosperity of our community. One of the most inspiring aspects of my work is the opportunity to collaborate with big-thinking clients and colleagues. Their innovative thinking and determination to push boundaries and achieve success fuels my own motivation. 

My job is hugely facilitated by my background as a small business owner who has experienced the rollercoaster rider of setting up and running a successful business. When you have dealt with everything from logistics and compliance through to people management and processes, that “coal face” learning experience enables me to have insights which support my customers as they face similar challenges.

What truly excites me about my work is  that every day brings unique situations and opportunities to contribute to the success of businesses. I get energised by the prospect of creating meaningful change.

Areas of expertise
  • Business Management & Development
  • Organisational and technical knowledge of MBIE - RBP and Callaghan Innovation products and services
  • Wholesaling - food and electrical industries, transport logistics
  • Prince 2 Foundation Certificate in Project Management, 2021
  • West Coast Governance Programme, 2022
  • NZIML Operational Leadership, 2018
  • Organisational Culture, People & Engagement, 2016
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