
Job boards

There are a number of other sites and job boards dedicated to university talent and internships:

  • NZUni Talent - The collaborative job board between eight NZ Universities.
  • Summer of Tech - Tech internship programme and job board.
  • Industry Ready - Engineering internship programme and job board.
  • AUT InterNZ - Auckland University of Technology’s intern programme and job board.

Frequently asked questions

Can I apply for the grant first then look for a suitable student?

Only for R&D Experience Grants. For Career Grants, you must have identified a suitable student before applying for the grant.

To be eligible a business must have an ‘active R&D programme’. What does this mean?

This means that the business must have:

  • an in-house R&D programme
  • a recent history of R&D activities over the preceding year and an R&D plan for the upcoming year; and
  • a minimum of one R&D full time equivalent (FTE) employed by the business.

See our guide to describing your R&D. 

How many Student Grants can I apply for?

Two current R&D Full Time Equivalent (FTE) staff are required for each student and this 2:1 ratio applies regardless of the type of grant (Fellowship Grant, Career Grant or Experience Grant). The exception is when the business has only one R&D FTE - in this case one student can be applied for.

If a business only qualifies for one student at a time due to having 1 R&D staff member, and the current grant is nearing completion, a business may apply for another student grant (Career or R&D Experience) provided the end date of the existing grant is no later than 2 months from the date of the new application. E.g. Fellowship grant will complete on 30 June, business may apply for another student grant no earlier than 1 May for a 1 July start date in order to maintain the 2:1 RDT FTE to student ratio.

Depending on the size and capability of its R&D team, a business may receive multiple Student Experience Grants at one time. 

A business can apply for up to ten Experience Grant students each year if the ratio of two R&D FTEs for each student is met. The exception is when the business has only one R&D FTE - in this case one student can be applied for.

Are international students eligible for R&D Student Grants?

International students studying in New Zealand may be eligible provided they have a valid visa allowing the student to work in New Zealand for the duration of the internship.

The business is responsible for ensuring that the student can legally work in New Zealand before they start work.

Can the student have worked in the business previously?

A company may employ the same student twice under Experience Grant internships but not a third time. Previous employment of the student in the business can only be temporary and short term. A student employed by a company on a permanent part-time basis is ineligible for an Experience Grant.

What happens if the student withdraws from the work?

If circumstances change it is very important that you advise us. We’ll consider the impact of the changes on the grant criteria and discuss these with you.

Does the student have to work full-time at the business?

Experience Grant students must work full-time at the business for the duration of the placement. Students must work in the business, not in a university or at home, as the key to these grants is giving students exposure to a working R&D environment.

There is some flexibility here for digital businesses where core staff are generally working from home. Requests for a student to be working remotely are assessed on a case by case basis and the business will need to demonstrate how the student will receive adequate oversight, mentorship and exposure to a real-world R&D environment if not working on site.

Can an application be submitted with a start date in the future?

The start date should not be after 1 December to allow sufficient time for the student to complete the 10 week internship before 31 March after allowing for a possible Christmas shutdown. There is flexibility here if the business can demonstrate the student will be able to complete the 10 week internship before 31 March. 

Example: Student and business agree a start date of 9 January as the student’s university schedule allows time for them to complete the 10 week internship prior to 31 March.

What is the term of the Contract?

Standard term of the contract is from the date of approval until 31 March.

What is the contracted amount?

For 2023/2024, the funding amount (excl GST) per student is $10,400 which is based on 40 hours per week for 10 weeks at $26.00 per hour.  One claim is made at the end of the contract period.

Who is the primary contact for updates about the grant and the project?

The business is the primary contact, however, the student may also contact us at any time to discuss issues related to the grant and/or the project.

Which users can submit and application in the online portal?

Applications need to be submitted in the portal by a “super user”. All other users are unable to view or use the “Submit” function.

Is there a waitlist?

There is no waitlist in place for Experience grants.

Can multiple businesses owned and operated by a group apply?

There is no rule that prevents several businesses within a group from applying for a Career Grant or an Experience Grant.

What reporting is required about the grant?

For all student grants, the business must provide progress reports to Callaghan Innovation and a final report about the student’s involvement in the project. These reports are short and in the form of survey questions. From time to time, we may require the business and student to complete a survey after the completion of the grant. This survey helps to inform the design of future R&D grants.

CTA TeMuka

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If you’re new to R&D Experience Grants, please contact our Customer Support team.

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If you’ve applied in the past, or have previously received other funding from Callaghan Innovation, you can start your application on our online Grants Portal.

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